Re: terms and prefixes are the same in rdflib


the question was raised v.a.v. the API level and not the RDFa code. Ie, we switched to API mode at the end of our last meeting...


On Feb 26, 2011, at 09:23 , Nathan wrote:

> Ivan Herman wrote:
>> I just tested the following code:
>> from rdflib.Graph import Graph
>> from rdflib.Namespace import Namespace
>> g = Graph()
>> a = Namespace('')
>> b = a["abc"]
>> g.add((a,b,"qqqq"))
>> print g.serialize()
>> (I think it is fairly self-evident what it means). It works, I can serialize the results and it is what one expects. Ie, a 'Namespace' (or prefix) object can also be used as a URI reference
> I think I've missed something :D does it make a difference since we established that RDFa can't support CURIEs which don't contain a colon (term != curie in RDFa) and every other serialization requires a colon to be present in a prefix (meaning prefix != term)?

Ivan Herman
Bankrashof 108
1183NW Amstelveen
The Netherlands

Received on Saturday, 26 February 2011 08:35:03 UTC