Re: terms and prefixes are the same in rdflib

Ivan Herman wrote:
> I just tested the following code:
> from rdflib.Graph import Graph
> from rdflib.Namespace import Namespace
> g = Graph()
> a = Namespace('')
> b = a["abc"]
> g.add((a,b,"qqqq"))
> print g.serialize()
> (I think it is fairly self-evident what it means). It works, I can serialize the results and it is what one expects. Ie, a 'Namespace' (or prefix) object can also be used as a URI reference

I think I've missed something :D does it make a difference since we 
established that RDFa can't support CURIEs which don't contain a colon 
(term != curie in RDFa) and every other serialization requires a colon 
to be present in a prefix (meaning prefix != term)?

Received on Saturday, 26 February 2011 08:24:40 UTC