Re: RDFa API comments from TimBL

Ivan Herman wrote:
> Nathan,
> can you tell me what exactly the IndexedFormula and the IndexedDataStore does?
> My purely admin issue is whether those features are related to the core RDF part of the RDFa one. Put it another way, whether those are to be part of an RDFa API. My worry is that the group is picking up too much onto its plate. Maybe we have to stop by showing the way those features can be bound/implemented with (on top) of what we publish might be enough in a first round, leaving room for further work by a more dedicated group...

Personally, I feel less like this is going the extra mile, and more like 
without this the spec is falling a mile short; that said I understand 
where you are coming from, especially when mentioning a more dedicated 
group - this is probably an area where yourself and the editors, Sando, 
Tim etc would be better to give feedback!

> On Oct 4, 2010, at 23:29 , Nathan wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I was speaking to Tim Berners-Lee earlier who asked me to pass on some feedback, he is very keen to see the RDFa API (particularly the DataStore interface) aligned with the IndexedFormula from Tabulator, to be specific "I think there is a big mistake happening to not make the RDFa API look like (tabulators) RDF API where it can" - he has also quickly hacked out some examples in section 3.2 here to cover some of the use-cases:
>> Personally, I am also keen to see this happen, preferably implementing a simple DataStore which can be wrapped in an IndexedDataStore - tabulators library is time proven and many years of feedback and improvements have been made, it would be a shame to loose that.
>> Unless there are any objections, I'll start defining and implementing an IndexedDataStore to match the functionality of the IndexedFormula from tabulator, which is also in line with my post-implementation-feedback [1] earlier this week.
>> Best,
>> Nathan
>> [1]
> ----
> Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Received on Tuesday, 5 October 2010 14:56:47 UTC