Re: RDFa API comments from TimBL

Ivan Herman wrote:
> Nathan,
> can you tell me what exactly the IndexedFormula and the IndexedDataStore does?

It would only require IndexedDataStore, which would/could add the 
following new functionality (Tim if you have anything specific I've 
missed please do say):

indexed access to the triple as subject[predicate][object], and also 
indexes for each s/p/o `for( triple in store.subjects[subject] )` or via 

ability to remove triples

each(s,p,o) where given any two arguments, returns an array of the 
third, so given each(":me", "foaf:knows", null) would return back an 
array objects / URIs.
  - any() which is the same as above but returns the first match 

support smushing, adds method to check if two uris are the "same thing", 
adds method to get all uri's by which a thing is known by

registerPropertyAction, this registers a function which is run against 
all triples which have a certain property - may not sound much but it's 
a highly versatile and efficient way of programming.

In addition, it adds a few easy access methods such as add(s,p,o) where 
each property is a string and

statementsMatching(s,p,o), which returns all statements matching a 
pattern (where each of s,p,o are optional and are strings)
  - anyStatementMatching() which is the same as above but returns the 
first match (existential)

I'd be more than happy to put together something more solid in IDL with 
notes if you like.



Received on Tuesday, 5 October 2010 14:53:11 UTC