Re: editorial review of TriG

On Sun, Sep 15, 2013 at 8:21 PM, Sandro Hawke <> wrote:

>  Here are the editorial issues I found in the current TriG editor's draft
> None seems serious, and hopefully all can be fixed before publication.
> I have a few larger questions which I'll send separately, and I'm going to
> try to do an implementation to check the grammar and test suite.
>     -- Sandro
> Status of This Document We should include a statement here to the effect
> that we might skip CR, and pointing folks at the test suite, implementation
> report, etc.  For example see the red box in the Status section of
> We can do this by hand during publication if respec somehow makes it hard.
> 2. An Introduction to TriG
> The IRI or blank node label of the graph statement may be used in another
> graph statement which implies taking the union of the tripes generated by
> each graph statement.
> That's a pretty confusing sentence for me, and I know what it's trying to
> say.   Plus, if we're being pedantic, the grammar also allows
> blankNodePropertyLists and Collections to be used as graph names.    Maybe
> go up a level and just say a trig file is the same as turtle, except there
> are additional graph statements, each of which pairs a term (which is
> evaluated to form a graph name) and a graph in { }.    Or something like
> that.

It does not allow for  blankNodePropertyLists and Collections to be graph

> 2.1 Graph Statements
>  The graph name of a graph statement may be omitted.
> That sounds confusingly like one could say "GRAPH { ... }".     Maybe we
> can change things to not call default graph triples "graph statements"?

All of the explanatory text was written before bare triples were legal. I
need to revise most of the explanatory text clearly since it's no longer
clear. Text updated.

One CAN say { ... }

>  A RDF Dataset may contain only a single graph.
> Could be read as saying a dataset is only allowed to contain one graph.
> Perhaps change to, "A simple RDF Dataset might contain only a single graph
> statement".



> 4.4 Escape Sequences In the table, the heading "Strings" should probably
> be a link like the heading local_names

> 5. Parsing
> This section maps a string conforming to the grammar in section Not found
> 'sec-grammar-grammar'<>to a set of triples by
> typo in section name, I assume


> 5.1 Parser State I love the idea of linking to tests here, but alas, none
> of those links are working.  I guess the links were copied from turtle as
> relative links.  (Which is ironic, since the first tests are for @base.)

This is why my action to replace the text at /TR/Turtle/tests/ has taken so
long, I have no idea what to do with these to avoid 404s when the tests
should not have been published here to start with.

Links now go to

> When undefines, triples are detined for the default graph.
>  typo in "undefines" and "detined"


> I'm not seeing any text about what this is supposed to generate:
>    PREFIX : <> <>
>    PREFIX : <> <>
>    :c :c :c.
> Actually, looking in the Turtle spec, I don't see anything like that
> there, either.

Eh? One Triple:

< <>c>
c> < <>c> .

   - Map[prefix <http://localhost/~gavin/rdf-wg/rdf-turtle/#prefix> -> IRI]
   namespaces — The second and third rule arguments (PNAME_NS and IRIREF)
   in the prefixID
   a namespace name (IRIREF) for the prefix (PNAME_NS). Outside of a
   prefixID production, any PNAME_NS is substituted with the namespace
   (test: prefix1 <http://localhost/~gavin/rdf-wg/rdf-turtle/tests/#prefix1>
   ). Note that the prefix may be an empty string, per the PNAME_NS,
    production: (PN_PREFIX)? ":" (test:

> 5.3 RDF Triples Construction
> has some @@'s!
>  5.3.1 Output Graph
> I find the use of "unset" and "undefined" a little unsettling.   I think
> it would be clearer to have a special value for the default graph.  But
> whatever.
There is a special value it's called null, nil, None ;)

>  The rule labelOrSubject<>sets both
> curGraph. and curSubject
> extra period


> 5.4 Differences from Previous TriG
> This section describes the main differences between TriG, as defined in
> this ddcument, and the
> Typo 'ddcument' and the sentence just ends in the middle.

Ah yes, I wasn't sure what to call the old TriG, it's not a Team
Submission, or a Member Submission...

"This section describes the main differences between TriG, as
defined in this document, and earlier forms"

> 5.5 Internet Media Type, File Extension and Macintosh File Type
> I'd suggest just calling this Media Type Registration


>  This information that follows has been submitted to the IESG<>for review, approval, and registration with IANA.
> that's for Turtle.   Instead for TriG say it will be submitted.
> In Security considerations, the formatting is weird -- there should be
> blank lines between paragraphs, I guess.  And there are still a few
> references to turtle that should be trig.
They aren't paragraphs, they are dt dds, the styling and format comes from
the default w3c stylesheet.

>  In Base URI, I'd say "The TriG base directive can change...." so that it
> glosses over BASE vs @base.

>  That's it!


Received on Monday, 16 September 2013 21:57:22 UTC