Re: claimed completion on "ACTION-233: Publish the consolidated test suite"

* Andy Seaborne <> [2013-03-20 10:31+0000]
> On 20/03/13 07:12, Eric Prud'hommeaux wrote:
> >I pushed the ~100 atomic tests into the test-ttl test suite.
> >
> >huh, i thought the action was on me until i checked tracker.
> Eric,
> I'm getting some warnings from use of:
> <http://a.example/AZaz\u00c0\u00d6\u00d8\u00f6\u00f8\u02ff\u0370\u037d\u037f\u1fff\u200c\u200d\u2070\u218f\u2c00\u2fef\u3001\ud7ff\uf900\ufdcf\ufdf0\ufffd\U00010000\U000effff>
> as not being Normal Form KC and not Normal Form C (presumably
> different characters causing those two warnings).
> (it's not related to the \U characters - I tried without them as well.)
> I'm not clear what RDF Concept says here.  It's directly stating
> literals are NFC, but any impact on IRIs comes indirectly from "it's
> a legal IRI"
> RFC 3987:
> [[ 3.1.  Mapping of IRIs to URIs
>             c. If the IRI is in a Unicode-based character encoding (for
>                example, UTF-8 or UTF-16), do not normalize (see section
>       for details).  Apply step 2 directly to the
>                encoded Unicode character sequence.
> ]]
> says:
> [[
> To avoid false negatives and problems with
>    transcoding, IRIs SHOULD be created by using NFC.
> ]]
> so it's a SHOULD in RFC 3987 on creation.

I poked around looking for composing characters in the PN_CHARS_BASE
character ranges. \u02ff MODIFIER LETTER LOW LEFT ARROW seemed like it
could be a culprit, but claims it's not in a combining
class. Likewise \ufffd REPLACEMENT CHARACTER

There are a bunch of yet-unassigned characters which could be confusing
a vigilent IRI checkr. I've mapped those to the highest currently-
assigned characters in their respective range (per

    \u037f   37e
    \u1fff  1ffe
    \u218f  2189
    \u2fef  2fd5
    \ud7ff  d7fb
    \ufdcf  fdc7
\U000effff e01ef

attached is a variant of
with the values substituted. (I pass this modified test so there
shouldn't be any typos in it.) If it still doesn't work, try chopping
off the last character 'cause it's a variation selector which ostensibly
is NF{,K}{C,D} valid, but may not have been when jjc wrote your checker.

> 	Andy
> >
> >I think we should quickly change the
> >   @prefix rdft:   <> .
> >namespace to
> >   <>
> >as it is entirely Turtle-specific (used for the following types:
> >   rdft:TestTurtleEval
> >   rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax
> >   rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax
> >   rdft:TestTurtleNegativeEval
> >
> >). I expect that the general notion of an RDF manifest-driven test
> >suite will some day use <> but would look
> >like <> .
> >
> >While curating the CR comments, I saw that 21 proposes some additional tests.
> >
> >
> >


Received on Wednesday, 20 March 2013 14:00:00 UTC