Re: New abstract for RDF Concepts


On 8 Nov 2012, at 06:45, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
>> RDF datasets comprise a default graph and zero or more named graphs, and are used to to express metadata about RDF graphs,
> How?

By making statements about the graph name.

>> and to organize data by context.
> How?

By putting data with different context in different named graphs.

> As far as I can tell just about the only thing that the WG should say about RDF datasets is that they consist of a default graph and zero or more named graphs, and can be used to associate names with graphs.  

What is wrong with making factual statements about what they are actually used for?

> If the WG calls out two questionable uses of RDF datasets, then it should also call out all the other, less-questionable uses. Who is volunteering to enumerate all of these?

Well, how about you make a start by naming one?


Received on Thursday, 8 November 2012 13:32:43 UTC