Re: JSON-LD Syntax request for FPWD via RDF WG


admin issue: I would propose to use the mailing list which is open, you can also subscribe and RDF WG members usually follow that list, too.


On May 22, 2012, at 17:29 , Markus Lanthaler wrote:

> (My mails don't get through to public-rdf-wg so feel free to repost them
> there)
>> Is there a particular reason why the RDF mapping is in the API spec
>> rather than in the language spec?
> The syntax spec is targeted JSON-LD authors that don't necessarily have an
> RDF background. Furthermore it is not syntax but a transformation. We
> bundled all algorithms in the API spec.
>> Is the proposal that RDF-WG should take both the API spec and the
>> language spec to REC?
> Yes. The API spec is just not ready for prime time yet :-)
>> At first glance, these sections look great. I notice three things
>> though:
>> 1. I'd prefer if the algorithms were defined in terms of standard RDF
>> terminology (RDF graph, triple, IRI, etc.) rather than API interfaces
>> that use quite different terminology (array of Statements, Statement,
>> NamedNode, etc.)
> OK, I filed an issue for that [1]
>> 2. Examples would be great.
> There are a couple of example in the syntax spec [2], don't know if you
> already saw them.
>> 3. Is it possible to serialize an RDF graph into a "pretty" JSON-LD
>> document using a context? I presume the answer is "yes" and involves
>> Compaction of the basic serialized output.
> Yes, exactly either by compacting or by framing.
> [1]
> [2]
> --
> Markus Lanthaler
> @markuslanthaler

Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
mobile: +31-641044153

Received on Tuesday, 22 May 2012 15:33:56 UTC