Re: URI aliases for RDF terms?

On 16 Nov 2011, at 21:35, Richard Cyganiak wrote:

> On 16 Nov 2011, at 12:58, Steve Harris wrote:
>> I believe that to make this be friendly to the way people use SPARQL now (e.g. being able to ask cardinality questions, and use it for financially important things like accounting) SPARQL stores would need to normalise to one URI form internally.
> Can you give a small example where this matters?

I think Eric gave an example with the SUM aggregate a couple of days ago?

But, IIUC if our current rdf:type expands to two URIs in queries and data (as with owl:sameAs) then a query like the following will give a result 2x what you'd expect:

SELECT (COUNT(?x) AS ?count)
   ?x a <Account> .

You could expand triples only in the data, but then roundtripping wont work.

You could expand triples only in the query, but the corner cases would be odd, e.g. you can imagine a situation where

   WHERE {
      ?s rdf:type ?o .
      ?s ?p ?o .
      FILTER(?p = rdf:type)

would return no results, but

   WHERE {
      ?s rdf:type ?o .
      ?s ?p ?o .
      FILTER(?p = <>)


As I said, there's probably other options I've not thought of though.

- Steve

Steve Harris, CTO, Garlik Limited
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Received on Wednesday, 16 November 2011 22:41:34 UTC