Re: Was: Should we define Graph Literal datatypes?


I know you had to dive into this issue more often than I did, would you mind creating an issue to describe problems more precisely?

I know we had major discussions in the RDFa WG at a time as for what exactly a generated XML Literal should look like, does it have to be a canonical XML version or not, things like that.

It may only need some explanations, though.



On Mar 7, 2011, at 11:16 , Andy Seaborne wrote:

> On 07/03/11 05:51, Ivan Herman wrote:
>> Andy,
>> I was actually wondering whether there should not be a cleanup
>> action/issue on XML Literals, namely their equality rules. There is a
>> mess in my mind compared to different canonicalization algorithms,
>> and I also wonder whether the references are still o.k. I know you
>> have dived into this much more than I did...
>> Ivan
> Yes - worth recording as a cleanup item.  I've had to dive in to answer user questions (a recent one being "why does this GML literal not pass validation" - answer: attributes not in sorted order).
> Whether it makes the cutline due to resourcing is then separate.
> 	Andy

Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Received on Monday, 7 March 2011 12:18:15 UTC