Re: "do not occur"

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 6:59 PM, Axel Polleres <> wrote:
> Alan Ruttenberg wrote:
>> On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 4:59 PM, Axel Polleres <>
>> wrote:
>>>> Incidentally, the fact that you can filter using the DATATYPE function
>>>> in sparql is another hint that something is amiss. By my earlier
>>>> analysis, the DATATYPE function should never return rdf:PlainLiteral,
>>>> according to our spec.
>>> Indeed, *according to our spec*. This is why I prefer Option 2 which
>>> makes
>>> this point clear.
>> I would modify it to not try to make it invalid, but instead to make
>> it clear we say nothing about the lexical to value mapping of such
>> literals within RDF and SPARQL.
>> In other words, you can write them, but it won't mean what you think it
>> would.
>> -Alan
> Hmmm, I am not sure I understand what you mean.
> Are you objecting against Option 2? Arguing for Option 1?
> I was speaking in favor of Option 2 and can live with Option 3.
> Summarizing, we have the following votes at the moment:
> Option 1:
>  0 (sandro) 1 (pat) 1 (peter) -1 (axel)
> Option 2:
>  0 (sandro) 0 (pat)  0 (peter)  1 (axel)
> Option 3:
>  1 (sandro) 0 (pat)  0 (peter)  0 (axel)
> Are you proposing something different?

I was, but Jonathan doesn't like it, so I will drop it from consideration.

My votes are
1) +1 2) +0 3) +0

> best,
> Axel
> --
> Dr. Axel Polleres
> Digital Enterprise Research Institute, National University of Ireland,
> Galway
> email:  url:

Received on Wednesday, 3 June 2009 15:07:07 UTC