Re: RDF-star use cases from Amazon Neptune

>> "Being married" is a state, and can only be true or false, but not multiple.
> I'm not entirely sure what you meant by "not multiple," but want to be
> sure that further work by all parties is not governed by a restriction
> of some jurisdictions; that is, one may indeed be married with multiple
> spouses, depending on one's beliefs and the laws of one's jurisdiction
> of residence.

Indeed! Indeed! 

Both bigamy (the crime) as well as polygamy (the cultural institution) are just more nails in the coffin of marriage as a "simple binary relationship". 

Marriage is not an isolated case. There should be a reasonable and sanctioned way to switch between binary and n-ary relationships without loosing important semantics in the transition. This is why we should consider adding non-statedness to graphs.


P.S.: "not multiple" in my broken English meant simply that multiple identical triples should not be used to represent multiple temporally separated marriages. 


> To be a bit more explicit, the Taylor+Burton scenario covers serial
> monogamous marriage.  There are places in the world where husbands,
> wives, both, and/or other (allowing for non-polar gender), may be 
> multiple within a single marriage.
> The possible states of "being married" remain only true or false, 
> but the participants therein are not limited to a total of two.
> Assumptions and projections of gender (that it is purely polar,
> rather than the more and more commonly accepted and understood
> gradient range, with many more values than "male" or "female") are
> similarly problematic, even though for decades if not centuries,
> the generally accepted "truth" has been that a child may only have
> two parents, one of each of only two genders.  Today, there are 
> many more possibilities that we should be able to handle, starting
> but far from finishing with the results of divorce and remarriage.
> Be seeing you,
> Ted
> --
> A: Yes.                
> | Q: Are you sure?           
> | | A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
> | | | Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?
> Ted Thibodeau, Jr.           //               voice +1-781-273-0900 x32
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Received on Tuesday, 7 December 2021 09:07:59 UTC