Re: weakness of embedded triples

[Back to the original topic of this thread.]

I was looking at the semantics of RDF* and I think I have discovered further
weakness of embedded triples.  In the semantics for RDF* there is a special
mechanism to allow:

Mary believes << John loves _:a >>

to RDF*-entail

Mary believes << John loves _:b >>

But this mechanism is very weak.  As far as I can tell

Mary believes << John loves _:a >>

does not RDF*-entail

Mary believes << John loves _:c >>

Mary believes << John loves _:b >>

nor does

Mary believes << John loves Susan >>


Mary believes << John loves _:a >>

Both of these non-entailments seem to me to be significant problems with RDF*.


Received on Tuesday, 27 October 2020 19:01:49 UTC