Re: weakness of embedded triples

Does RDF* need new semantics at all? Couldn't it be a syntax-level
convention for unique triple IDs?

E.g. <<s>, <p>, <o>> being syntactic sugar for
uri(concat("urn:rdf:id:", hash(str(<s>)), hash(str(<p>)),

For example, the triple






which essentially would become the "5th element", in addition to quads.

On Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 1:38 PM Pierre-Antoine Champin
<> wrote:
> On 14/10/2020 23:13, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
> Let's make the height example even more stark.
> :loisLane :believes << :clarkKent :height "6.0"^^xsd:decimal >> .
> does not imply
> :loisLane :believes << :clarkKent :height "6.00"^^xsd:decimal >> .
> I would hope that any Tom, Dick, and Lois can realize that these two literals
> are the same.
> I see your point, but this is really a matter of deciding where you put the boundary...
> So I would still prefer to be radical here and consider any lexical difference as potentially significant.
> If you want to stick to literals that have to be supported in RDF
> :loisLane :believes << :clarkKent :name "Clark"@en-US >> .
> does not imply
> :loisLane :believes << :clarkKent :name "Clark"@en-us >> .
> Are "Clark"@en-US and "Clark"@en-us really different literals, for the abstract syntax??
> I would have thought they are the same (and so the implication above would hold).
> Reading the spec again, I realize that things are not so clear: "Lexical representations of language tags MAY be converted to lower case", and then Literal term equality requires that language tags "compare equal, character by character". So these 2 literals MAY be considered equal, and the implication MAY hold... :-/ Add to this that BCP47 explicitly state that language tags are case insensitive... I'd say that we are in gray area here.
> peter
> On 10/14/20 4:45 PM, Doerthe Arndt wrote:
> Dear Peter,
> you are right with both observations. The question is whether we want that
> behavior or not.
> In there is a section on referential opacity.
> The main claim there is that triples are referentially opaque.
> But embedded triples are much weaker than just being referntially opaque.  To
> see this consider the following RDF* graph under the RDF* version of RDF
> entailment recognizing xsd:decimal and xsd:integer.
> :loisLane :believes << :clarkKent :height "6"^^xsd:decimal >> .
> In this semantics "6"^^xsd:decimal means the same as "6"^^xsd:integer so one
> would expect that
> :loisLane :believes << :clarkKent :height "6"^^xsd:integer >> .
> is RDF*-entailed.
> But it is not.  There are two reasons for this.
> First, there is no requirement that satisfying interpretations for the first
> graph map < :clarkKent :height "6"^^xsd:integer > to anything and if a
> satisfying interpretation does map the triple there is no requirement that its
> ITEXT mapping gives the triple its correct meaning.  (The value of ITEXT for
> the triple could have the real number pi as its third element.)
> Second, "6"^^xsd:integer is a different node from "6"^^xsd:decimal. So even if
> the intepretation treats the second embedded triple nicely, and thus gives it
> the same meaning as the first embedded triple, they are still two different
> triples and :loisLane can believe one but not the other.  So very little of
> the semantics of RDF gets into embedded triples.
> We wanted different that different representations are treated differently
> if they have the same meaning. The reason for that is that we expected that
> RDF* would also be used to make statements about triples as they were
> stated, for example to be able to explain the reasoning performed on the
> triples but also for simple provenance. In these cases there should be a
> difference between
> :loisLane :believes << :clarkKent :height "6"^^xsd:decimal >> .
> and
> :loisLane :believes << :clarkKent :height "6"^^xsd:integer >>
> since we still talk about different representations.
> Each triple is, in effect, its own context.  So, in an RDFS version of RDF*,
> even if :loisLane believes several triples that should imply another, they
> generally don't.  For example:
> :loisLane :believes << :clarkKent rdf:type :man >> .
> :loisLane :believes << :man rdfs:subClassOf :human >> .
> Does not imply
> :loisLane :believes << :clarkKent rdf:type :human >> .
> So embedded triples are incredibly weak in RDF*.   Making them useful will
> likely require quite a bit of work.
> Here, "useful" depends again on your intended use. We wanted to have a
> rather weak semantics which allows users with more complex use cases to add
> their semantics. It is easier to make the semantics more complex by adding
> extensions than to ignore certain parts. I for example remember that Jos De
> Roo announced some time ago that his EYE reasoner supports rules on RDF*. Of
> course that alone would not allow you to cover all cases, but it could be
> very helpful in practice.
> On the other hand, there are some unusual inferences that can be made in
> RDF*.  In an RDF* version of RDFS++ it is possible to state that two triples
> are the same.   The graph
> :loisLane :believes << :superman :can :fly >>.
> << :superman :can :fly >> owl:sameAs << :clarkKent :can :fly >> .
> is consistent here and implies
> :superman owl:sameAs :clarkKent .
> :loisLane :believes << :clarkKent :can :fly >>.
> This last case is an interesting one. We indeed wanted the triple
> :loisLane :believes << :clarkKent :can :fly >>.
> to be a consequence of your statements. The question is whether
> :superman owl:sameAs :clarkKent .
> should follow (it does indeed follow, just as you describe). We made the
> semantics of embedded triples the way it is to be able to deal with blank
> notes. Here, I can't give a concrete answer whether (at least to my
> understanding) it should be that way. I will think about it (and read
> Pierre-Antoine's thoughts in the mean time, which just arrived as well) and
> come back to you.
> Kind regards,
> Doerthe

Received on Saturday, 17 October 2020 19:53:50 UTC