Re: RDF* vs RDF vs named graphs

I agree. When I first met the idea of RDF* I made this same point to Thomas, and we had some correspondence on the topic. I came to the conclusion that my expending effort towards the development of RDF* would be a waste of time. 


> On Nov 29, 2020, at 4:43 PM, Peter F. Patel-Schneider <> wrote:
> I've been thinking about the expressive power of RDF* related to the
> expressive power of RDF, at least the versions of RDF* that have been proposed
> so far.
> As far as I can tell anything that can be done in RDF* can be easily done in
> RDF by using standard
> RDF reification techniques, perhaps slightly modified (e.g., to account for
> malformed literals), with extra properties linking to syntactic encodings to
> achieve referential opacity.
> But named graphs are more expressive than RDF* in a certain sense, as named
> graphs allow multiple "embedded" triples to be collected together.
> peter

Received on Monday, 30 November 2020 00:42:36 UTC