Re: Turtle* test suite

I ran this through my Ruby-based distiller [1] and passed all but the following:

* turtle-star-annotation-1.ttl – Don’t support these annotations yet
* turtle-star-annotation-2.ttl – Don’t support these annotations yet
* turtle-star-syntax-bad-03.ttl – Bug on my part

We might consider a recursive example, such as the following:

@prefix ex: <http://example/> .
  <<ex:s2 ex:p2 ex:o2>>
    ex:p1 ex:o1 >>
  ex:p ex:o .

Gregg Kellogg

[1] <>

> On Dec 5, 2020, at 10:11 AM, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:
> > ACTION: andys to add a test-suite for Turtle*
> These are initial input for syntax tests for triple terms: << >> with both positive and negative tests. As syntax tests these are not defining the resulting RDF.
> In addition, there are two about triple annotation:
> turtle-star-annotation-1.ttl
> turtle-star-annotation-2.ttl
> There is a companion GH issue:
>    Andy

Received on Sunday, 6 December 2020 23:04:48 UTC