Re: Turtle* test suite

I followed the convention of the semantics test suite.

There are problems with two very similar MIME types (file extensions).

do we expect text/turtle-star to imply there definitely is <<>> in the 
data? (needing to scan the data first)

or that a TTL* capable system sends back text/turtle-star always to be 
safe? That breaks current clients.

(adding a new directive Turtle has similar difficulties as well as a new 
one - c.f. XML - choosing the parser after starting the parser)

Holger - how would TopBraid handle the MIME type choice?


On 06/12/2020 01:55, Holger Knublauch wrote:
> On 6/12/2020 4:11 am, Andy Seaborne wrote:
>> DONE:
>> > ACTION: andys to add a test-suite for Turtle*
> Should these have a different file ending, such as ttls?
> Holger
>> These are initial input for syntax tests for triple terms: << >> with 
>> both positive and negative tests. As syntax tests these are not 
>> defining the resulting RDF.
>> In addition, there are two about triple annotation:
>> turtle-star-annotation-1.ttl
>> turtle-star-annotation-2.ttl
>> There is a companion GH issue:
>>     Andy

Received on Sunday, 6 December 2020 11:10:31 UTC