Re: [External] : Can a triple-term in an N-Triple 1.2 statement have "infinite" number of atomic terms?

On 27/01/2025 23:41, Gregory Williams wrote:
> I’m not making any proposals or suggesting changes here, but I’d like 
> to know if there are use cases at hand for this, or if maybe it’s a 
> hold-over from the CG work that has become redundant with the 
> introduction of reifiers.

Recording provenance: if the data to be annotated with its source has a 
triple term in it.

graph G1

     ## G1 publishes its reifier
     << :x :y :z ~:r >> .
     ## Which is the triple  :rrdf:reifies <<( :x :y :z )>> .

graph G2

    << :rrdf:reifies <<( :x :y :z )>> >>
 :source G1 ;
 :ingested "2025" .

which is

    _:brdf:reifies <<( :rrdf:reifies <<( :x :y :z )>> )>> ;
    _:b :source G1 ;
    _:b :ingested "2025" .

Uncommon but not impossible.


> thanks,
> .greg

Received on Tuesday, 28 January 2025 10:56:59 UTC