Re: Decision from the Semantics TF: liberal baseline

On 1/10/25 9:47 AM, Thomas Lörtsch wrote:
>> On 9. Jan 2025, at 15:31, Peter F. Patel-Schneider <> wrote:
>> I think that the discussion is best formed around which entailements we want, and that the entailments in question all are related to whether the mere presence of triple terms in a graph creates entailments as if they were asserted triples in the graph.
>> Here are some of the potential entailments:
>> :a rdf:reifies <<( :b :c :d )>>
>> RDFS entails
>> :b rdf:type rdfs:Resource .
>> I say yes to this one, because everything is a resource so having an IRI in a triple term doesn't really add anything.
> That [to] me stands in contradiction to the one before. Isn’t everything in predicate position an rdf:Property (or illegal)? Also, what’s the point in making such brittle distinctions when the result is not of any interest.
> [...]

Note that this is in RDFS semantics, where everything is a resource.
You might want to add a stronger entailment, but this minimum appears to me to 
be a requirement of the RDF semantics.

The point is that a triple term is not asserted and thus does not need to be a 


Received on Friday, 10 January 2025 15:31:49 UTC