Re: AW: Triple-terms only as object of rdf:nameOf triples?

No, just the same as you can write RDF lists in N-Triples.  Just write the 
triples that the new Turtle syntax expands to.


On 1/21/24 06:12, Sasaki, Felix wrote:
> What are the implications of this thread and the proposal at
> <>
> That proposal says:
> “The proposal is to add a new syntactic construct to Turtle and also other 
> complex syntaxes for RDF (not including N-Triples, for example) for named 
> occurrences of triples.”
> So if I am a producer of n-triples, I would first need to convert them to 
>   turtle to be able to use the proposal?
> Best,
> Felix
> *Von: *Andy Seaborne <>
> *Datum: *Samstag, 20. Januar 2024 um 21:52
> *An: * <>
> *Betreff: *Re: Triple-terms only as object of rdf:nameOf triples?
> Sie erhalten nicht oft eine E-Mail von Erfahren Sie, warum 
> dies wichtig ist <>
> On 19/01/2024 12:42, Souripriya Das wrote:
>     Following up on the discussions in yesterday's meeting, I was thinking
>     that we could actually keep RDF1.2 as a "set of triples", instead of going
>     for "set of triples and set of edges", while keeping things simple by
>     imposing some restrictions on triple-terms and their use (in N-Triple) as
>     explained below.
>     Equivalence:
>     ===========
>     As I noted in yesterday's meeting, the following two are just different
>     ways of expressing the same thing:
>             :e | :s :p :o .                                      # A) uses a
>     special 4th component --> "name"
>             :e rdf:nameOf << :s :p :o >> .   # B) has three components at
>     top-level, but uses a complex term, called "triple-term", as the object
> Yes.
>     Restrictions for Simplicity:
>     =====================
>     We could go with option B (in N-Triple), but keep things simple by
>     imposing the following restrictions on triple-terms and their use:
>       * No Nesting: None of the components of a triple-term can be a triple-term.
>       * Only as Object: A triple-term can only appear in the object position.
>       * Only in rdf:nameOf Triples: A triple-term can be used in only those
>         triples that have the special property rdf:nameOf as predicate.
> Mandating such restrictions (RFC 2119 "MUST NOT") is more complicated in the 
> spec, not less. And for users, if material has to explain enforceable 
> restrictions.
> We can recommend good usage (even RFC 2119 "SHOULD NOT") , and we have talked 
> about material in the primer.
>     Note that these restrictions do not constrain expressive power in any way
>     because we can always get a name (e.g., :e) for a triple-term from an
>     rdf:nameOf  triple and we can use that name as as an ordinary term
>     (restricted to use as subject or object).
>     Thanks,
>     Souri.

Received on Sunday, 21 January 2024 11:17:18 UTC