Adjusting the suggested RDF-star naming notation

Given the possible convergence on named occurrences (as reification),
adding naming to the RDF-star syntax is great.

Unfortunately, the naming notation doesn't work well in SPARQL, as it
collides with the use of `|` as the AlternativePath operator [1]:

    SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o {| dct:issued | dct:modified "2023" |} . }

(The above already means "select any triples with annotations issued
or modified in 2023", and thus cannot be used for "with the annotation
denoted by dct:issued, modified in 2023". Try it out in [2].)

Of course Turtle is not SPARQL. But it has been designed in part with
the intent of being easy to copy-paste from when writing SPARQL (hence
the added support for SPARQL-style prefixes and base when Turtle was

(I also wouldn't rule out a future SPARQL specification adding
"alternative subject and object" support either, for shortening
sometimes tedious unions.)

A small adjustment would be to use (an ASCII version of) the "left tack":

    :s :p :o {| :e -| :a :b |} .

    :s :p :o {| :e -|} .

    << :e -| :s :p :o >> :a :b .

    SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o {| ?annot -| dct:issued | dct:modified "2023" |} . }

(This reverse turnstile symbol [3] has also been used e.g. in
mathematics [4] and APL (ambivalent left identity).)

(Options working more or less well: `:=`, `:-`, `|-`, `->`, etc. Needs
more consideration and testing on real data.)

Whatever is chosen *could* also be added for naming nestable blank node blocks:

    :s :p :o [ :e -| :a :b ] .

(I'm not necessarily in favour of that [5], but I wouldn't argue
against it if the popular argument is its ease of use in authoring.)

(Note: N3 used to have the `:-` "iso" operator for this [6]. It was a
"pseudo-predicate" though, which might work less well.)

Best regards,

[1]: <>
[2]: <>
[3]: <>
[4]: <>
[5]: <>
[6]: <>

Received on Thursday, 18 January 2024 10:29:23 UTC