Dear John,

Good question! However, the working group is still discussing the addition of quoted triples (in current discussions usually referred to as triple terms) and, if so, the exact meaning of them. In this sense, your question is still too early to ask.


Jan 10, 2024 20:07:00 John Walker <>:

> Hello,
> Seems I sent the original message to the wrong list [1].
> I was looking for anything in the drafts that explains what a SPARQL DESCRIBE should/would return when it comes to quoted triples.
> Specifically regarding bounded descriptions.
> Given the Concise Bounded Description [CBD] as defined by W3C, it seems reasonable to extend the definition with a 4th rule like:
> 4. Recursively, for all statements included in the subgraph thus far, for all quotings of each statement in the source graph, include the /concise bounded description/ beginning from each quoted triple node.
> Such that for this graph:
> :alice :name "Alice" .
> << :alice :name "Alice" >> :reportedBy :charlie .
> << << :alice :name "Alice" >> :reportedBy :charlie >> :in <file2.ttl> .
> The ‘starred’ CDB of :alice would then include both the statements involving quoted triples.
> Are there any plans to update the CBD definition document, or otherwise detail how quoted triples would work with CDB and SCDB?
> [1][]
> [CBD] _[]_
> Regards,
> John Walker
> Principal Consultant & co-founder
> Semaku B.V. | Torenallee 20 (SFJ 3.065) | 5617 BC Eindhoven | T +31 6 42590072 |
> KvK: 58031405 | BTW: NL852842156B01 | IBAN: NL94 INGB 0008 3219 95

Received on Tuesday, 16 January 2024 07:01:38 UTC