Re: Representing Named Triples as Just Triples

Hi Niklas,

Is the approach in this email meant to be a replacement or an addition to the approach you described in the previous email just 9 hours ago? In other words, does one have to read that other email as a basis for understanding what you are doing in the current email or can that other email be ignored?


Jan 11, 2024 12:19:07 Niklas Lindström <>:

> Further update; TL/DR: Named triples do *not* (AFAICS) have to name
> one specific triple. It only "makes sense" to name multiple triples
> with the same claim identifier if they are of the same reason. See
> below for how that is so.
> (Aside: The below could also answer some, perhaps most, of Andy's
> important concerns in [1]. I went from too much in one thread to
> perhaps too many threads. I want the subject title to be specific to
> the content discussed; but this is hard.)
> Full version:
> With named triples, a graph in the data model is a set of either
> asserted and/or named triples. The named triples are not asserted in
> and of themselves (conceptually the names denote a *claim*), but
> another occurrence of the same abstract triple can also be asserted
> (conceptually that is a *fact*). There can only be one such asserted
> occurrence per graph (as in RDF 1.1), but many occurrences of the same
> triple paired with different names.
> Conceptually, the *meaning* of a graph is the union of its *facts* and *claims*.
> Addition: Thus there may also be *different triples per name*. So the
> functional restriction is not necessary.
> So these identically named but structurally different triples:
>     <t> | <urn:x:s> <urn:x:p> <urn:x:o> .
>     <t> | <urn:x:s> <urn:x:p> <urn:x:o2> .
> Can be encoded as (now using rdf:value and a new datatype for the
> lexical string representation of a triple):
>     <t> rdf:value "<urn:x:s> <urn:x:p> <urn:x:o>"^^rdfx:lexicalTriple .
>     <t> rdf:value "<urn:x:s> <urn:x:p> <urn:x:o2>"^^rdfx:lexicalTriple .
> To be decided: these can either entail, or must be accompanied with,
> the following reification to fulfil the condition of representing a
> named triple:
>     <t> rdf:subject <urn:x:s> .
>     <t> rdf:predicate <urn:x:p> .
>     <t> rdf:object <urn:x:o> .
>     <t> rdf:subject <urn:x:s1> .
>     <t> rdf:predicate <urn:x:p1> .
>     <t> rdf:object <urn:x:o2> .
> Conceptually, this means that the claim is about all of these triples
> at once. The triples are distinct, but the meaning is claimed to be
> the same (i.e. the same claim, or the same fact if that is also
> asserted about `<t>`).
> (Note that the reification is not "well-formed" (it is
> "oversaturated", if you will), and is not in itself enough to pick
> apart the original triples themselves named by `<t>`. This sets named
> triples, describing claims or facts, apart from *just* reification. It
> also makes them somewhat more like named graphs, but with different
> characteristics, e.g. not necessarily asserted, inexorably coupled to
> one graph (itself named or not), *and* reasonably only naming triples
> coupled for *the right reasons*; see below.)
> (This is like a literal as a resource, which can have two lexical
> values meaning the same thing.)
> It is also possible to check if a claim is for The Right Reasons. If
> all triples are entailed from at least one triple, the others are
> necessary truths if the claim is true, contingent upon at least that
> one triple.
> (Aside: I think this pretty much reflects what the notion of a *truth
> maker* (fact) with truth bearers (triples) is.)
> For instance, given:
>     <a> | <elisabeth> ex:marriedTo <richard> .
>     <b> | <richard> ex:marriedTo <elisabeth> .
>     <c> | <elisabeth> a ex:Spouse .
>     <d> | <richard> a ex:Spouse .
> All of `<a>`, `<b>`, `<c>` and `<d>` *may* denote one claim (or actual
> fact), for the right reasons, if:
>     ex:marriedTo a owl:SymmetricProperty ;
>       rdfs:domain ex:Spouse .
> They *mustn't* be the same claim of course. But it makes sense to
> declare them as owl:sameAs, directly or simply by stating them to be
> of type rdfsx:Fact, which as defined using owl:hasKey would be
> inferred to be the same under OWL entailment.
> Likewise, a claim can be *nonsense* in the same way. E.g with:
>     ex:Batchelor owl:disjointWith ex:Spouse .
> This (as in what `<d>` denotes, *not* the named triples themselves),
> would be nonsense:
>     <d> | <richard> a ex:Spouse .
>     <d> | <richard> a ex:Batchelor .
> As would a graph which asserted them be.
> But this would not necessarily be so:
>     <e> | <richard> a ex:Batchelor .
> It would be decidedly conflicting with `<d>` though.
> Questions:
> * Would an rdfx:Claim only be a *proper* rdfsx:Fact if it is for the
> right reasons?
> * Could a proper rdfsx:Fact be automatically asserted under some
> entailment extension? Probably not, since a graph can contain sense or
> nonsense, it is not up to the facts to be decidedly asserted or not...
> (NOTE it might be tempting to infer named triples for all asserted
> triples in a graph. But obviously that would result in an infinite,
> recursive explosion of named triples, since each inferred triple would
> then also entail another named triple.)
> Best regards,
> Niklas
> [1]: <>
> On Thu, Jan 11, 2024 at 3:18 AM Niklas Lindström <> wrote:
>> This is an update to the Named Triples as Claims variant. (Using
>> terminology added to [1], and following [2].)
>> (I've yet to fully compare it to the Occurrence Set variant Andy just
>> posted [3]. They seem to have a lot of the same goals, vary in what is
>> added to the abstract syntax and data model, possibly vary on
>> many-to-one or many-to-many for occurrence-to-triple, and on opacity.)
>> Named triples can be represented as just triples, through a predicate
>> for the lexical triple representation.
>> This named triple:
>>     <t> | <urn:x:s> <urn:x:p> "l"^^<urn:x:d> .
>> Can be encoded as:
>>     <t> rdfx:lexicalTriple "<urn:x:s> <urn:x:p> "l"^^<urn:x:d>" .
>> This would *only* be for use in N-triples, to keep named triples as
>> just triples "over the wire". Other syntaxes supporting RDF-star would
>> parse directly into named triples.
>> (For RDF 1.2 Basic though, this does "expose" raw N-Triples also in
>> other syntaxes.)
>> These lexical forms could be dropped upon parsing as named triples.
>> They might still be entailed; just as the transparent meaning of named
>> triples in the graph needs to be entailed, as a regular reification,
>> for this design to work in `owl:sameAs`-dependent use cases [2].
>> Per the functional requirement, a different value of
>> `rdfx:lexicalTriple`for the same subject is not allowed to produce the
>> same name for a different triple. That would be the same restriction
>> as for the direct syntax of named triples. But it might not be
>> necessary to halt on it. The raw `rdfx:lexicalTriple` triple could be
>> kept as is, along with an issued warning. (A parser option could
>> control this behaviour, for use in linters, etc.)
>> Blank nodes have been seen as problematic in unstarring, since while a
>> parser can use the blank node remapping function, the mapping would
>> not survive roundtripping through RDF 1.1 (nor RDF 1.2 Basic) parsers.
>> But skolemization can be used to manifest the mapping, by also
>> associating the bnode with the genid lexical form:
>> So, given:
>>     <t> | <s> <p> _:b .
>> that would become:
>>     <t> rdfx:lexicalTriple "<urn:x:s> <urn:x:p>
>> <.../.well-known/genid/d26a2d0e98334696f4ad70a677abc1f6>"^^rdfx:lexicalTriple
>> .
>>     _:b rdfx:genid ".../.well-known/genid/d26a2d0e98334696f4ad70a677abc1f6" .
>> (That needs not be functional, but inverse-functional.)
>> The RDF data model with named triples would be (a variant of RDFn [4]):
>>     graph             ::= (triple|namedTriple)*
>>     triple            ::= subject predicate object
>>     subject           ::= IRI | BlankNode
>>     predicate         ::= IRI
>>     object            ::= term
>>     term              ::= IRI | BlankNode | Literal
>>     namedTriple       ::= identifier triple
>>     identifier        ::= IRI | BlankNode
>> (The difference from RDF 1.1 is the addition of namedTriple, and
>> allowing that in graph.)
>> Conceptually, graphs can contain both asserted triples and claims
>> thereof (as named triples). In the example above, `<t>` denotes the
>> *claim* of that named triple.
>> To query for these, SPARQL-star syntax may be required. But a regular
>> reification can be entailed from a named triple, which is also needed
>> to support transparency in this design.
>> Alternatively, an actual reification could be required alongside the
>> lexicalTriple form above in N-triples, and RDF-star could be sugar for
>> reification with this additional data model and conceptual
>> interpretation. That would *extend* reification to also support
>> quotation. It would result in more triples in the raw data of course,
>> but it would not require reifications to be, or stay, "well-formed".
>> (They can have multiple subjects, predicates or objects, and distinct
>> occurrences are still preserved, through the named triple in the
>> abstract syntax, and through the lexical form in N-triples.)
>> A claim can be stated as a rdfsx:Fact, meaning that it denotes the
>> fact, i.e. the actual asserted triple in the graph. Using OWL, it is
>> then restricted to that denotation (through owl:hasKey on the
>> reification parts, there can only be one).
>> Best regards,
>> Niklas
>> [1]: <>
>> [2]: <>
>> [3]: <>
>> [4]: <>

Received on Thursday, 11 January 2024 12:05:45 UTC