Terminology definitions ; motivating example

In the strawname wiki page, we have some sections.

Two that we can start on before we get to the details of the strawman 
proposal are "Motivating example" and "Terminology".

To make progress, please suggest text definitions for terminology we are 

The most important one at the moment is "occurrence" - it's not the only 
one e.g. "unasserted" It would be useful to collect definitions for 
terminology in any proposals: "claim", "named triple", "triple term" ...

For the "Motivating example", can we have proposals - we discussed 
having one example so let's collect some possibilities and see if the 
subgroup thinks they make the right points and then create one.


On 05/01/2024 17:50, Ted Thibodeau Jr wrote:
 > On Jan 4, 2024, at 01:03 PM, Lassila, Ora <ora@amazon.com
 > <mailto:ora@amazon.com>> wrote:
 >> As we decided today in the WG call, we will use tomorrow’s Semantics
 >> Task Force meeting slot for a discussion of a “broad strokes”
 >> proposal. The general idea is to come up with a proposal that focuses
 >> the direction of our future work; once we agree on the overall
 >> direction (and this is where people can express what they can and
 >> cannot live with, etc.), we can then move on to hammering out the
 >> details and get closer to completion. Or at least in an “ideal world”
 >> this would be the case. ;-)
 >> Even if you are not a member of the Semantics Task Force but are
 >> willing to “roll up your sleeves and get to work”, please consider
 >> attending.

 > Linked from the end of that, there's a wiki page started by
 > AndyS that captures other facets of what we discussed --
 > Note that this wiki page's name (and URI) may change, and there
 > is (so far as I can tell) no way for me to permalink to it that

GH wikis keep rename indirections for awhile - I'm not sure how long for.

 > will persist through such changes, and redirects are not automatic
 > if they're even possible in GitHub Wiki...
 > Be seeing you,
 > Ted

Received on Sunday, 7 January 2024 16:10:30 UTC