Re: Consolidating triple/edges -- named occurrence version

Hi Enrico,

On Fri, Jan 5, 2024 at 10:33 AM Franconi Enrico <> wrote:
> Important retraction!
> The entailments involving owl:same-as in my past emails with are FALSE.
> Indeed, equality does not play any special role in triple occurrences.
> The examples below show some correct derivations with triple occurrences, emphasising that the same triple term may have distinct occurrences, and that the same referent may be the occurrence of distinct triples:
> << :wed-1 | :liz :spouse :richard >>
>  :starts 1964 ;
>  :ends 1974 .
> << :wed-2 | :liz :spouse :richard >>
>  :starts 1975 ;
>  :ends 1976 .
> << :wed-2 | :liz a :wife >> .
> The above entails:
> << :wed-1 :starts 1964 >> .
> << [] | _:x a :wife >>
>  :starts 1975 .

Thank you! I was a bit troubled by this yesterday. Now this makes sense to me.

Of course, it has implications for how to define these occurrences
(truth-makers, right [1]?), which we need to come to terms with

For example, I think this makes sense:

    << :wed-1 | :liz :spouse :richard >> .
    << :wed-1 | :richard :spouse :liz >> .
    :wed-1 a :Marriage ;
        :starts 1964 ;
        :ends 1974 .

Would you agree? If so, how about:

    PREFIX : <>

    << <#bp23> | <book> :datePublished "2023" >> .
    << <#bp23> | <book> :publisher <X> >> .
    <#bp23> a :PublicationEvent ;
        :location <London> .

Best regards,

[1]: <>

(PS. This makes sense to me logically. Syntactically, I have some more
thoughts, as mentioned before. But we can defer those details.)

> —e.
> On 4 Jan 2024, at 16:00, Franconi Enrico <> wrote:
> For example:
> << wed-1 | :liz :spouse :richard >> .
>   :starts 1964; :end 1974 .
> :richard owl:same-as :richard-burton
> ⊨
> << :wed-1 | :liz :spouse :richard-burton >> .
> and the other way round as well:
> << wed-1 | :liz :spouse :richard >> .
>   :starts 1964; :end 1974 .
> << :wed-1 | :liz :spouse :richard-burton >> .
> ⊨
> :richard owl:same-as :richard-burton
> —e.

Received on Friday, 5 January 2024 10:43:24 UTC