Re: Annotations associated only with occurrences?

On 21/12/2023 22:18, Souripriya Das wrote:
> From a requirements point of view, Is it correct to assume that 
> triples will not be used for annotations in RDF1.2? That is, while 
> triples will  (or may) be present (as in RDF1.1), annotations will be 
> associated only with the occurrences of triples, not with the triples 
> themselves?
In the named occurrences variation yes, annotations will be associated 
only with the occurrences of triples.

In a variation where the triple (i..e the 3-tipe s/p/o) is represented 
somehow, then there is an RDF term

Question to all:

What use cases are there for annotations about the triple, and not an 
occurrence, when thinking of a triple as the abstract relationship 
between two resources (where some other graph can also use the same triple)?


> Thanks,
> Souri.

Received on Tuesday, 2 January 2024 14:06:23 UTC