It may be that Pierre-Antoine needs to add you as a member of the task force to get meeting notifications, but you can see details at with zoom information in each calendar event.
Gregg Kellogg
Sent from my iPad
> On Aug 27, 2024, at 5:07 AM, William Van Woensel <> wrote:
> Hi Souri,
> Could you elaborate on how this would make it harder to implement RDF 1.2? (I was not at the semantics TF - it seems that rather important issues are discussed there, but I'm unsure how to join.)
> I'm also not seeing how it could lead to people messing up their data.
> Thanks
> William
>> On Aug 26, 2024, at 9:02 AM, Souripriya Das <> wrote:
>> Although during our last Semantic TF meeting I had put +1 in the straw poll regarding allowing any property to have triple-term as value as long as the property is (or can be inferred to be) of rdf:type rdf:ReificationProperty, thinking about it a bit more I have changed my opinion. I think it is giving too much freedom to the user that may lead them to mess up their data more easily and it will make it harder to implement RDF1.2. So, I would now vote against the use of rdf:reificationProperty and instead, vote for allowing only pre-designated properties in RDF1.2 (like rdf:reifies, and, if deemed important, rdf:asserts) to have triple-term as their values.
>> Thanks,
>> Souri.