Re: [External] : Re: handling ("asserted") s-p-o triples and ("stated" or "reified") id-s-p-o 4-tuples in RDF/SPARQL

good morning;

> On 15. Aug 2024, at 10:00, Peter F. Patel-Schneider <> wrote:
> On 8/15/24 03:44, Thomas Lörtsch wrote:
> [...]
>> If an RDF-star entailment regime was enforced, in which 'rdfstar:states' entails the triple it states, then the stated triple term would be added to the graph as a proper/standard RDF triple, and consequently no additional BGPs would be needed that UNION a { :s :p ?o . } BGP with a  { ?id rdfstar:states <<( :s :p ?o )>> } BGP. As SPARQL is implementing RDF simple entailment, no such entailment of a triple from a stated term is available, and the above described UNION operation is needed instead.
> Entailments do not "add" anything to the graph.  The graph is the graph, after all, and is immutable.  Entailments instead show what follows from the triples in a graph.  Even in a system, an entailment regime can be enforced without adding anything to the data stored by the system.

the actual process is not that well defined :

best regards, from berlin,
james anderson | |

Received on Friday, 16 August 2024 13:55:35 UTC