getting to a consistent state in the WG documents

Here is my analysis of some discussion in the Semantics Task Force today.

The semantics group was discussing what changes need to be made to SPARQL 1.2 
Query Language to handle quoted triples.  It appears that the normative 
changes have all been made - the functions on quoted triples are all in and 
the grammar changes are also in and no changes to BGP mapping need to be done. 
  It turns out that SPARQL BGP matching is insensitive to transparency of IRIs 
and literals because it matches simple entailment where there are no derivable 
equalities.  Making blank nodes opaque, however, would require changes.  There 
are some informative text that should be added to the document, though

So what is needed to get to a state where the fundamental core of our set of 
documents include quoted triples is to decide on a semantics for quoted 
triples and update RDF Semantics accordingly.  And this depends, in my 
opinion, on which use cases the working group wants to support.  There may 
also be some more changes required to the surface syntax documents.


Received on Friday, 29 September 2023 15:08:42 UTC