Re: TPAC F2F agenda

Here is an update to the use case slides.


On 9/8/23 18:34, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
> Here are some slides to start of discussion in the use case segment of the 
> meeting.  They use the TPAC Javascript so they don't have any of those special 
> features unless they are in a directory where that Javascript is available but 
> you should be able to see the content.  Much of the content of the slides 
> consists of pointers to the use case issues and wiki pages in the WG UCR 
> repository.
> Comments are welcome.
> peter
> PS:  I'll try to be awake at 3am EDT, but no firm guarantees.

Received on Monday, 11 September 2023 14:46:11 UTC