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RDF-star Use Cases

Peter Patel-Schneider

★ W3C TPAC 2023, Seville, 11–15 September ★


  1. Processed Use Cases and Transparency
  2. Non-semantic Requirements
  3. Conclusions
Thanks to Niklas Lindström for some very detailed new use cases.

Processed Use Cases

Use Case Discussion Transparency
contextualizing historical assertions Issue 12 literals, IRIs unknown
CIDOC-CRM events Issue 14 fully transparent
labelled property graphs Issue 16 literals, IRIs unknown
Some biological database use cases Issue 19 fully transparent
Detailed Provenance in Cataloguing Issue 23 fully transparent

Processed Use Cases (Cont'd)

Use Case Discussion Transparency
Annotations as Miscellaneous Marginalia Issue 23 fully transparent
Union of Changes to a Named Graph Issue 23 fully transparent?
recording commit deltas Issue 13 fully opaque
triple origin in Federated SPARQL Issue 18 non-semantic
Representation of Language Tags Issue 22 non-semantic

Non-semantic Requirements

Use Case Requirement
triple origin in Federated SPARQL SPARQL construct to capture remote source URL
Representation of Language Tags Canonicalization of language tags


  1. So far, no use cases are calling for the CG semantics stance on opacity
  2. One use case calls for complete opaqueness
  3. Other use cases whose transparency is known call for either full transparency or at least transparency of literals
  4. Some minor calls for new or changed functionality
  5. Want still more use cases