Re: [External] : is RDFn in the scope of the working group

Quoted triples concept is definitely within the scope of RDFn:

Using N-Triplen:
<< :Trump :won :Election2020 >> | rdfn:stmt1 .
rdfn:stmt1 :accordingTo :TrumpSupporters .

Using Turtlen (shortcut):
<< :Trump :won :Election2020 >> :accordingTo :TrumpSupporters .

RDFn tries to extend RDF-star to include support for explicit names.​


From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider <>
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2023 1:01 PM
To: Souripriya Das <>; <>
Subject: Re: [External] : is RDFn in the scope of the working group

My view is that RDFn is not in scope as it does not build on the notion of a quoted triple.

But this is something that I believe requires a Chairs' ruling.


On 1/26/23 12:53, Souripriya Das wrote:
I believe so. See the red portion in the paragraph below taken from the charter. Thanks. -- Souri.


The scope of this Working Group is to extend the recommendations defining RDF 1.1 and SPARQL 1.1 with the features introduced by RDF-star. More precisely, RDF-star introduces the notion of quoted triple to express statements about statements. The abstract and concrete syntaxes of RDF and SPARQL are extended to support this new feature, as well as their respective semantics.

The community group has identified, in its final report<;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!OykdtR0jL-KF841axwjvyOU44KWu1iHsrBBVDnHakjaessTQp56JoNrYCQk7CgObJG7CSNLaOar82jibQBU4KQu-xQ$>, which recommendations should be updated, and a possible path for updating them. The Working Group may however reconsider this and proceed differently from the Community Group's proposal. For every recommendation updated by this Working Group, the pending editorial errata will also be addressed. The Working Group will also consider allowing new features<*allow-new-features__;Iw!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!OykdtR0jL-KF841axwjvyOU44KWu1iHsrBBVDnHakjaessTQp56JoNrYCQk7CgObJG7CSNLaOar82jibQBVArxAmsQ$> in these recommendations, according to Section of the W3C process<*revised-rec-features__;Iw!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!OykdtR0jL-KF841axwjvyOU44KWu1iHsrBBVDnHakjaessTQp56JoNrYCQk7CgObJG7CSNLaOar82jibQBWXZpLDRg$>, in order to render future evolutions easier.

The group SHOULD ensure that any RDF 1.1 data remains valid in this new version. Furthermore, any RDF or RDFS entailment drawn under RDF 1.1 semantics SHOULD also remain valid in this new version.

From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider <><>
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2023 12:22 PM
To:<> <><>
Subject: [External] : is RDFn in the scope of the working group

Is something like RDFn in scope for the working group?

From the charter (at<;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!LjeGeUj9jwsMXx5n5wMyLQB3SRLui4eB4a8bb8Ts-9M-2tuph8v5x5pk5mTVOYKCwfnkh4K9dIjzQdFizz3z7XSspw$>):

The scope of this Working Group is to extend the recommendations defining RDF 1.1 and SPARQL 1.1 with the features introduced by RDF-star. More precisely, RDF-star introduces the notion of quoted triple to express statements about statements. The abstract and concrete syntaxes of RDF and SPARQL are extended to support this new feature, as well as their respective semantics.

The following features are out of scope, and will not be addressed by this Working group.

  *   Adding other improvements or extensions to RDF or SPARQL. Given the number of recommendations that this Working Group needs to update, it is important to keep its scope very focused.


Received on Thursday, 26 January 2023 18:14:14 UTC