Re: Future-Proofing for Transition to Multi-Edge caused by Data Arrival

On 26/01/2023 16:55, Gregory Williams wrote:
>> On Jan 26, 2023, at 6:06 AM, Souripriya Das 
>> <> wrote:
>> Initial Data (no shortcuts, to avoid hiding important details):
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>     :Bush :servedAs :President .
>>     << :Bush :servedAs :President >> :index 43 .
>>     :Obama :servedAs :President .
>> << :Obama :servedAs :President >> :index 44 .
>>     :Trump :servedAs :President .
>>     << :Trump :servedAs :President >> :index 45 .
>>     :Biden :servedAs :President .
>> << :Biden :servedAs :President >> :index 46 .
> …
>> Let's say that in 2024 Trump wins again. How will the data get 
>> represented in RDF-star? Since RDF-star, like RDF, has "no duplicate 
>> triples" constraint, the data creator has to extend the schema to 
>> introduce a new structure that involves a new property, 
>> :occurrenceOf. Since the above query was written without expecting 
>> the new structure, it has to be modified as well.
> Souri –
> I’m not sure I understand the issue here. Won’t the original query 
> work just fine if the input data contains an extra index value?
> << :Trump :servedAs :President >> :index 45, 47 .
> =>
> :Bush
> :Obama
> :Trump
> :Biden
> :Trump
It does work indeed in this simple example, but it would break if you 
added multiple attributes for each presidential term: index, start-date, 
end-date, vice-president...
> Thanks,
> Greg

Received on Thursday, 26 January 2023 16:21:29 UTC