- From: Pierre-Antoine Champin <pierre-antoine@w3.org>
- Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2023 17:08:33 +0100
- To: Franconi Enrico <franconi@inf.unibz.it>, RDF-star WG <public-rdf-star-wg@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <bda6b11e-fb6f-256f-a683-f52f8277be07@w3.org>
On 19/01/2023 19:11, Franconi Enrico wrote: > (I wanted to present to you this at the meeting, but…) > > I believe we have to distinguish three different kinds of embedded > triples, depending on their classification as /Semantic/ , > /Syntactic/, /Modal/. I totally agree with that. However, having different kinds of quoted triples to address these different use cases sounds like a complicated solution. My preferred response was summarized here: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-star-wg/2022Dec/0013.html TL;DT: link the quoted triple to an "occurrence" node; the semantics of the predicate between the two determines the "kind of occurrence" you are considering (semantic, syntactic...) and keeps the classification open. > I will use different symbols for them, and I suggest that modal > embeddings are out of scope of this group - i.e., they are not a best > practice. > As I will suggest in another message, semantic and syntactic > embeddings should behave differently. > Syntactic embeddings more or less behave like the ones defined by the > current spec. > Semantic embeddings more or less behave like the ones in the old > proposal by Olaf (if I get it right…). > > These are the examples: > > Semantic predication ✅: > <+< :john :teaches :cs101 >+> :at-place :stanford . > <+< :john :teaches :cs101 >+> :at-time :1st-term-2022 . > <+< :john :has-height 175 >+> :at-time 1990 . > <+< :john :kills :paul >+> :instrument :knife . > <+< :salad :tastes :delicious >+> :tasted-by :john . > <+< :john :has-temperature :high >+> :tendency :falling . > <+< :john :buys :book1 >+> :in-place :books.example.com . > <+< :john :buys :book1 >+> :with-price 15 . > <+< :john :buys :book1 >+> :goal :birthday-gift . > > Syntactic predication ✅: > << :john :teaches :cs101 >> :inserted-by :john . > << :john :teaches :cs101 >> :in-file :fs301 . > << :john :teaches :cs101 >> :comment "abc" . > << :john :teaches :cs101 >> :in-graph :g1 . > << <=< :john :kills :paul >=> :instrument :knife >> :inserted-by :paul . > > Modal predication ❎: > :paul :believes <=< :john :teaches :cs101 >=> . > :linda :thinks <=< :john :teaches :cs101 >=> . > :john :considers <=< :john :kills :paul >=> . > <=< :christine :has-disease :breast-tumor >=> :with-probability :high > . ❓dubious >
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Received on Thursday, 26 January 2023 16:08:38 UTC