Re: Implementation issues [was Re: Future-proof modelling]

On 23/01/2023 17:48, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
> It would be useful to have a good idea of just what different RDF 
> implementations do that is related to embedded triples.

Jena has an RDF term for it.
"RDF-star introduces quoted triple, which is a new kind of RDF term."

It gets a nodeID of it's own (8 byte binary value) like all other RDF 
terms then the storage layer works in 4-tuples and 3-tuples of nodeids.

The RDF term has a triple but that triple isn't "the same" java object 
as every other same SPO. .equals is "same value", not "same reference" 
so it isn't a triple id a I understand your usage of it.

One in-memory implementation does not store triples, only S->P->O paths. 
Another in-memory implementation does have a Triple object.
It's transparent at the API.

Optionality, in the future and transparently, quoted triples may get 
indexed. But that's an implementation choice, not one to require by 

If this were RDF*, the implementation would be different.


The code is open source.

> peter

Received on Monday, 23 January 2023 18:25:29 UTC