Re: agenda and minutes for working group meetings

It would also be useful to have the minutes of working group meetings be 
organized nicely so that it is easy to find discussions.  I seem to remember 
that one of the duties of being a scribe was to look over the raw minutes and 
fix them up, in particular so that agenda items showed up correctly.

The current minutes of today's meeting do not show one of the major 
discussions as an agenda item.  See and the 
actual discussions in and


On 2/23/23 06:27, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
> I am concerned that it is difficult to find agenda and minutes for the working 
> group meetings.  I propose that both be sent to the working group mailing 
> list, with a subject line containing "Agenda" or "Minutes"; that an initial 
> agenda be sent out at least 24 hours in advance of the meetings; and that 
> minutes be sent out as soon as practical after meetings.
> peter

Received on Thursday, 23 February 2023 18:09:08 UTC