Re: Semantic Predication: 5 - model theory

>  N3: Dörte is probably the right one to discuss this.

Yes! His 2020 PhD is "Notation3 as the Unifying Logic for the Semantic Web".
N3 Logic has seen a huge revival since the days of "cwm".

I know of the following software:
- De Roo, J.: EYE: Euler Yet another proof Engine. performs forward and backward chaining along
Euler paths.
- OKO: running on top of Scryer Prolog, implemented in Rust.
- Van Woensel, W.: JEN3.
- Van Woensel, W.: GLEAN.
- Andreas Harth et al. (`ldfu`) An
end-to-end data processing system for data integration and system
interoperation with LD. Linked Programs are Notation3-based specifications
for accessing, processing and changing LD, based on logical rules and
production rules.
Can we borrow something from N3? is pretty accessible.

> N3 uses quoted graphs, not triples.

Yes: triples (rdf-star) are a particular instance of graphs (N3): we may
call them "singleton graphs".

Received on Thursday, 23 February 2023 11:03:08 UTC