Re: Editor's call February 22

On 21/02/2023 22:38, Gregg Kellogg wrote:
>> On Feb 21, 2023, at 2:13 PM, Peter F. Patel-Schneider 
>> <> wrote:
>> I would like to have some information on what is required for W3C 
>> publication of FPWD beyond passing the checks already in place on the 
>> GitHub repositories.   For example, is it required that all documents 
>> have sections on privacy considerations, security considerations, and 
>> internationalization considerations?
> Ted provided some information in a PR comment [1]
>> FPWD is a heartbeat action, as are all the Editors' Drafts that get 
>> published between FPWD and CR. FPWD /does/ require group consensus to 
>> publish, but there are no requirements about its /content/, which has 
>> even less weight than the content of a WG NOTE, which has almost no 
>> weight. An FPWD /could/ be pure boilerplate, or a collection of 
>> sections that entirely disagree with each other, or a bunch of 
>> Guttenberg Project or Lorem Ipsum text.
That is the process minimum.

This working group has a mature set of documents, with many interested 
readers in the community.

We haven't discussed which github issues the working group will be able 
to take up yet.


>> A pointer to a document on the rules for W3C publication would also 
>> be useful.
> Probably mostly in the Publication Rules [2] and Process Document [3].
> Generally, the FPWD docs will be prepared with a planned publication 
> date and saved in the repository (for example see the snapshot for 
> rdf-canon [4]). This can be done by adding 
> `?specStatus=FPWD&pubDate=YYYY-MM-DD` to the browser and using the 
> control in the upper right to save the document as HTML, along with 
> files used directly by the finished document. Then, pass it through 
> the pubrules checker [5] and link checker [6]. This sometimes finds 
> minor problems that will need to be corrected. Generally, you can get 
> a URL for a formatted version of the spec after it’s been uploaded 
> using the raw file viewer for the Overview.html in GitHack.
> Most of the technical Pubrules requirements are handled by ReSpec 
> automatically based on specStatus.
> Once FPWD has been published, the group can decide to use Echidna for 
> subsequent updates automatically via the GitHub action we have in 
> place up until CR.
> Gregg
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
>> peter
>>> On 2/18/23 14:54, Gregg Kellogg wrote:
>>>> We have an Editor’s call scheduled again for this Wednesday [1]. If 
>>>> you have items to discuss, please reply so we can build an agenda. 
>>>> Otherwise, I suggest we keep the slot and Zoom channel open for 
>>>> general discussion in order to preserve normal WG time for more 
>>>> more charter-related discussions.
>>>> Gregg Kellogg
>>>> [1]

Received on Wednesday, 22 February 2023 11:05:01 UTC