Re: changes between RDF 1.1 documents and 1.2 FPWD documents

On 18/02/2023 03:21, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
> There iss considerable work going on to prepare documents for FPWD 
> publication.   As far as I know there have been no WG decisions on just 
> what changes are to be made in the documents beyond changing editors and 
> satisfying the current publication requirements.

I agree.

The specs also contain text that suggestive of directions the WG may go.

For FPWD particular, the text, including notes and text automatically 
picked up from issue descriptions, should be neutral until the WG has 
discussed them.


> I went ahead and fixed editorial errata in RDF Semantics and SPARQL 
> Entailment Regimes.  I think that these changes don't need input or 
> approval from the working group as a whole.
> I see quite a bit of other changes in the works to various documents, 
> some of them substantive and some of these have been merged into the 
> offical drafts.   When are these changes going to be discussed by the 
> working group as a whole?
> peter

Received on Monday, 20 February 2023 13:05:49 UTC