Re: Use Cases: two examples of use cases

Hi pfps, thanks for these detailed cases!

> Propositional attitudes should admit substitutions of equal literals,
because any person considers two equal literals to be the same

I agree.

What do you think about substitution of URLs equal up to different escaping?

But mind you that if you store a triple with integer literal 042 and try to
fetch it looking for a pattern with integer 42, you won't find it.

Similarly, if you store a triple with a URL with some escaped chars and try
to fetch it with unescaped (or differently escaped) chars, you won't find

This is IMHO an unfortunate circumstance of RDF 1.1 semantics, but can we
change it in 1.2?


I also have a question about blank nodes. Start with

:A :believes <<:B :loves _:x>>

Now add

_:x :nationality :Bulgarian

Surely the meaning will be different? Eg

A believes that B loves someone


A believes that B loves a Bulgarian

Received on Thursday, 16 February 2023 20:21:08 UTC