Re: Semantic Predication: 2 - examples

the way I see it, the current RDF-star reification would characterise the syntactic embedded triples <<s  p o>>, with minor modifications — e.g., adding something like (<<s p o>>, rdf:type, unstar:triple).

On 15 Feb 2023, at 14:26, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:


Thank for providing the examples.

Where does the original reification fit in to predication classifications?


On 14/02/2023 16:24, Franconi Enrico wrote:
Here I just list examples of the three different classes:

Semantic predication examples:

<<< :john :teaches :cs101 >>> rdf:type :teaching ;
                              dct:Location dbr:Stanford_University ;
                              dct:PeriodOfTime :1st-term-2022 .

<<< :catalog-entry-1 dct:creator :alice >>> rdf:type :cataloging ;
                                            dct:created "2022-07-01"^^xsd:date .

<<< dbr:Linköping dbo:populationTotal "104232"^^xsd::nonNegativeInteger >>>
  rdf:type :survey
  :measuredOn "2010-12-31"^^xsd:date .

<<< :alice :kills :paul >>> rdf:type :assassination ;
                            schema:instrument :knife .

<<< :salad :tastes :delicious >>> rdf:type :degustation ;
                                  :tasted-by :john .

<<< :john :has-temperature :high >>> rdf:type :fever-measurement ;
                                     :tendency :falling .

<<< :john :buys :book1 >>> rdf:type :purchase ;
                           dct:location "" ;
                           schema:price 15 ;
                           :goal :birthday-gift .

<<< :liz :spouse-1 :richard >>> rdf:type :marriage ;
                                dct:PeriodOfTime :period-1964–1974 .
<<< :liz :spouse-2 :richard >>> rdf:type :marriage ;
                                dct:PeriodOfTime :period-1975–1976 .
                                dct:location dbr:Las_Vegas .
:spouse-1 rdfs:subPropertyOf :spouse .
:spouse-2 rdfs:subPropertyOf :spouse .

Syntactic predication examples:

<< :catalog-entry-1 dct:creator :mary >> dct:created "2022-08-04"^^xsd:date .

<< :john :teaches :cs101 >> :recorded "2021-07-07"^^xsd:date .

<< dbr:Linköping dbo:populationTotal "104232"^^xsd::nonNegativeInteger >>
  :source <öping.ttl><> .

<<:bob foaf:age 23>> dct:creator ex:crawlers#c1 ;
                     dct:source <><> .

_:a :occurrenceOf << :john :teaches :cs101 >> ;
    :in <file1.ttl> ;
    dct:creator :alice .

Modal/epistemic predication examples:

<<<< :employee38 :jobTitle "Assistant Designer" >>>> :accordingTo :employee22 .

<<<< _:a :name "Alice" >>>> :statedBy :bob .

:alice :says <<<< :paul :name "bob" >>>> ,
             <<<< :paul :likes :alice >>>> .

<<<< :superman :can :fly >>>> :reportedBy :clark .

:alice :ponders <<<< :alice :kills :paul >>>> .

<<<< :christine :has-disease :breast-tumor >>>> :with-probability :high .

Received on Wednesday, 15 February 2023 13:53:04 UTC