Re: [Text-Direction] New Wiki page.

After some discussion and minor updates, the wiki page has been moved to a separate document [1]. This allows the use of the normal GitHub PR mechanism for maintaining it.

Also,, note further discussion on the rdf-concepts issue [2]

Gregg Kellogg


> On Feb 9, 2023, at 4:27 PM, Addison Phillips <> wrote:
> Hi Gregg,
> Thanks for this. 
> I don't have access permissions to the wiki and forking the repo doesn't allow me to do PRs against it. I made some quick and dirty edits to make the terminology more correct here: [1]. If someone can give me access, I'll port those changes directly. 
> I generally find that Discussions or plain old markdown pages can be helpful vs. the wiki form because both have notifications and markdown page under a separate directory can be edited in much the same way as the wiki (direct commits) or via PRs. We use both of these in Unicode's MessageFormat working group to good effect [2][3]. But I'm totally fine with using the wiki if our folks can get access (and if that's appropriate).
> Thanks again.
> Addison
> Addison Phillips
> Chair (W3C I18N WG, Unicode MFSC)
> Internationalization is not a feature.
> It is an architecture.
> --
> [1]
> [2] (as an example of a noisy thread in Discussions)
> [3] (examples of folders where we keep notes and discussions)
>   [a]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gregg Kellogg <> 
> Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2023 3:04 PM
> To: RDF-star Working Group <>
> Cc: r12a <>; Addison Phillips <>; Ivan Herman <>
> Subject: [Text-Direction] New Wiki page.
> In today’s meeting I said I would take on starting a discussion of text direction in RDF. I created a wiki page [1] describing the problem space and some potential solutions which I invite interested people to contribute to. The advantage of this is that it is an easy space for people to collaborate. The disadvantage is that there’s no simple notification when changes are made. So, if working on this, please send updates to the RDF-star WG mailing list and indicate the topic using the subject prefix “[Text Direction]” or by responding to this email.
> Note that issue #9 [2] in the RDF Concepts repo is also relevant to this discussion, although detail can get lost in separate comments. Ultimately, our solution should be documented there, but this wiki page, or one derived from it, may be useful past the time the issue is settled as a rationale for the direction we actually take.
> As Ivan said in [2]:
> As the aforementioned document, as well as this thread, shows, there are many possible approaches and none of them without drawbacks. My personal feeling is that the WG should choose one asap, put it into the new RDF draft, and publish a new TR with that approach. The RDF community may (or may not...) react and see if it carries. Otherwise, we are in the danger of dragging this discussion on for a long time...
> Please explore other ramifications, such as other impacts on the semantics, SPARQL functions and query formats, and other things I may have missed.
> Gregg Kellogg
> [1]
> [2]

Received on Saturday, 11 February 2023 00:47:24 UTC