[UC] initial test case for process - recording changes to an RDF graph

In attempt to work on a test use case to test out a process for handling use 
cases I looked through the use cases in
https://w3c.github.io/rdf-star/UCR/rdf-star-ucr.html.   It turns out that 
there is no provenance use case.  If someone has one and would like to have it 
used to test out the use case process could they speak up?

What there is is a use case about annotating commit deltas,
like in

r:47e1cf2 a :Commit ;
      :delete <<:bob :age 23>> ;
      :add <<:bob :age 24>>, <<:bob :gender :male>> .

This seems to me to be a very clean use case, so I'm proposing to use it to 
trial a use case process if no provenance use case comes up.


Received on Friday, 28 April 2023 18:43:32 UTC