Re: "Multi-Edge Support in RDFn" slides


Le 16/12/2022 à 17:21, Peter F. Patel-Schneider a écrit :

> Blank nodes absolutely do denote, just like global existential variables 
> denote.   It is just that what they denote is in some sense less 
> determined than what IRIs denote.

You're using "denote" in a different way as I do, and it is not clear 
how. I am using the standard RDF 1.1 Semantics (quote Section 4):

"The words *denotes* and *refers to* are used interchangeably as 
synonyms for the relationship between an IRI or literal and what it 
refers to in a given interpretation, itself called the *denotation* or 

Blank nodes do not denote in this sense.

Regardless, the point is that when Pierre-Antoine says "bnodes mean the 
same everywhere", it is odd, considering how the semantics of bnodes is 


> peter
> On 12/16/22 09:10, Antoine Zimmermann wrote:
>> Le 16/12/2022 à 12:58, Pierre-Antoine Champin a écrit :
>> >>   that means the same everywhere.
>> > just like an IRI, a literal or a blank node means the same 
>> everywhere (mind you, I'm talking about blank nodes, not blank node 
>> identifiers, who have a local scope).
>> What do you mean by "a blank node means the same everywhere"?
>> Literals and IRIs denote the same thing everywhere, yes. Conversely, 
>> bnodes do not denote anything. Bnodes only indicate the existence of 
>> things, and what thing exists as indicated by a bnode depends on the 
>> RDF graph being considered.
>> It happens that the CG report interprets quoted triples as bnodes 
>> whose identity depends on the RDF-star graph being considered. So if 
>> you consider different RDF-star graphs containing the same quoted 
>> triple, the quoted triple in the context of the first graph indicates 
>> the existence of a different things than the quoted triple in context 
>> of the second graph.
>> See 
>> item 2.2).

Antoine Zimmermann
ISI - Institut Henri Fayol
École des Mines de Saint-Étienne
158 cours Fauriel
42023 Saint-Étienne Cedex 2
Tél:+33(0)4 77 42 66 03

Received on Friday, 16 December 2022 18:24:37 UTC