Deep copy (was: Quick Comments on

On 23/09/2016 11:36, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
>> Deep copy
>> "a deep copy of sh:path as its sh:path" What is "deep copy" in this
> context?
>>      Comment (HK): I have attempted to clarify this here:
>>      Comment (kc): Unless "deep copy" has some pre-defined meaning that I
> am unaware of, I would suggest dropping it and saying: The value of sh:path
> of each validation result must copy all triples that are required by the <a
> href="#path-syntax">SHACL well-formed path syntax rules</a>from the
> <a>shapes graph</a> into the graph containing the validation results.
>>      Comment (HK): The first google match of "deep copy" is pretty close to
> what I wanted to express, so I believe the term should be familiar to many
> people and may be helpful for implementers. Also I had surrounded the term
> with "...". Anyway, I have no strong opinion and let others decide.
> The extra wording is helpful.  However, "deep copy" in
> is different.  Either
> drop "deep copy" or point to an appropriate definition.

Almost every English word is somehow overloaded with multiple meanings. 
I believe your linked deep copy is quite appropriate for what I am 
trying to express. If anyone has a suggestion on how to explain this 
better, please provide a complete replacement of the sentence - just 
dropping the term does not work.


Received on Friday, 23 September 2016 05:39:19 UTC