Re: My first RDFa Web example (products)

On Sep 18, 2009, at 11:06 AM, Manu Sporny wrote:

> (moving discussion to RDFa Task Force mailing list)
> Evan Goer wrote:
>>> PS: RDFa community - both of these issues could have been easily  
>>> avoided
>>> if we had a conformance checker. Anybody want to volunteer to  
>>> write one?
>> If you do, please make sure it has an simple API we can hit -- we  
>> might
>> want to call out strict RDFa conformance in our SearchMonkey
>> ObjectFinder. :) Ditto for the Google guys and their Rich Snippets
>> validator.
> What kind of API would you like? Would REST-based JSON be ok? Anybody
> from Google want to weigh in on what they'd want as a validator API?
> So, something like:
> and it would give you back something like:
> [
>   {
>      "type": "warning",
>      "line": 2,
>      "column": 34
>      "markup": "<html ... xml:lang=\"en\">"
>      "message": "The attribute version=\"HTML+RDFa 1.0\" should be
> specified in the <html> element at the top of your document."
>   },
>   {
>      "type": "warning",
>      "line": 1745,
>      "column": 65,
>      "markup": "<div typeof=\"Product\">"
>      "message": "Ignoring 'Product' in @typeof because it is an  
> unknown
> value. Maybe you meant to use 'v:Product'?"
>   },
>   {
>      "type": "error",
>      "line": 2817,
>      "column": 145,
>      "markup": "<img about=\"#camera\" src=\"cam3.jpg>"
>      "message": "There is an error in your XHTML markup which may  
> cause
> further triples to be corrupted."
>   },
>   {
>      "type": "summary",
>      "message": "There are 2 warnings and 1 error in your markup."
>   }
> ]
> Would that be sufficient? Or were you thinking about something  
> different?

REST/JSON would be perfect.

And the output format you whipped up looks pretty good to me. The  
summary at the end might be extraneous -- unless you're thinking it  
could include other information besides the warning and error count?

Evan Goer
Yahoo! SearchMonkey Team

Received on Friday, 18 September 2009 18:38:24 UTC