Re: HTML 4 Profile for RDFa

Thanks for your comment. I have made some additional comments below:

Toby Inkster wrote:
> For XMLLiterals which aren't well-formed would it be a good compromise
> to say that the literal should still be generated as normal (i.e.
> including tags) but just shouldn't be given an rdf:XMLLiteral datatype?
> e.g.
> 	<p property="rdfs:comment">Hello<br>World</p>
> Generates:
> 	<rdf:Description about="">
> 	  <rdfs:comment>Hello&lt;br&gt;World</rdfs:comment>
> 	</rdf:Desciption>
> This makes it more consistent with XHTML+RDFa.
Some of us discussed this briefly earlier today.  I actually do NOT 
believe this makes it consistent with XHTML+RDFa, but I still think it 
is something we should consider adding.  In XHTML+RDFa that <br> would 
be omitted from the output (well, <br/> would be) if it were a plain 
literal, and would be included (and potentially annotated with in-scope 
xmlns declarations) if it were an XMLLiteral. There is NO mechanism in 
XHTML+RDFa to take the complete, unaltered content of a node and make 
that the object - encoded or not.

The thing is that what you want at the end of the day is for every 
Conforming RDFa Processor to emit the same triples given the same input, 
right?  So the behavior needs to be predictable.  If we made the constraint:

    If the object of a triple would be an XMLLiteral, and the input to
    the processor is not well-formed [XML
    <>], then the
    processor MUST transform any reserved characters in the object to
    ensure it is well-formed (e.g., transforming '<' to &lt;) The rules
    for such a transformation are defined at ... (some spec).

So, in this case, the resulting item would continue to be typed as an 
XMLLiteral, and would adhere to the constraints of an XMLLiteral.  Would 
such a change satisfy your comment?  And if so, do you believe such a 
constraint should be added to the general processing rules of 
RDFaSYNTAX?  Or is this unique to HTML4+RDFa?

Shane P. McCarron                          Phone: +1 763 786-8160 x120
Managing Director                            Fax: +1 763 786-8180
ApTest Minnesota                            Inet:

Received on Thursday, 14 May 2009 18:36:03 UTC