Re: Consensus on alternate prefixing mechanism

Ivan Herman wrote:
>>> - Is the following acceptable: @prefix="aa="
>>>  my option would be no, this is an error, and the RDFa
>>>  processor should simply ignore that
>> I believe that the current regex would not match "aa=" and would thus
>> ignore it. However, if one were to do prefix="aa= bb=",
>> that may cause an issue. We should really have a couple of approved test
>> cases for these error conditions in the Design Suite. I'll try and take
>> an action to create some valid Design Suite test cases for @prefix.
> Ie, we agree that this is an error, right?

Yes, it is an error.

> Ivan wrote:
>> >> Manu Sporny wrote:
>> >>    * It would be easier for the parser writers to handle.
>> >>
> >
> > I am not sure of that...
> I retract this! I just ran into the situation while testing and,
> indeed, it can be a bit tricky if there is nothing on the left side of
> the '='. It becomes more complicated to differentiate between
> a=AAA =qqq
> that might have been a legitimate use with qqq being a default
> namespace and
> a= AAA=qqq
> which is the 'illegal' usage of an empty URI (the point below).

It's because of this point that I think that "DEFAULTNS" would be
preferable to a blank prefix identifier for changing the default namespace.

I believe that we end up with a non-deterministic case if we allow
arbitrary spaces between mappings and the equal sign AND try and use a
blank prefix identifier to change the default namespace.

-- manu

Manu Sporny
President/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: A Collaborative Distribution Model for Music

Received on Friday, 1 May 2009 14:13:24 UTC