Re: Discussion with Ian and Henri about HTML5+RDFa (part 2/2)

Philip Taylor wrote:
> I don't have any decent statistics, but I've got some quick
> hacked-together data at
> Brief summary:
> As of a year ago, 0.1% of pages on (132 in my sample) had CC
> RDFa embedded in comments. (0.01% had it outside comments). Only one
> wasn't well-formed XML. Eight had an empty <License> element (I have no
> idea if that's a bad thing or not but it seemed odd). Two made incorrect
> assertions about licenses (e.g. saying that by-nc-nd permits
> DerivativeWorks), which looks like a case of
> copy-and-paste-and-tweak-and-get-it-wrong. So the error rate is low
> non-zero integer percentages.

Hi Philip,

Thanks for this info. I think you're talking about RDF in comments, the
ugly old style we had, and the central reason we worked on RDFa :)

CC's new recommendation, since last summer, is to use RDFa such as:

<a rel="license" href="">
<img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0"
src="" />
<br />
<span xmlns:dc=""
property="dc:title">Ben's blog</span>
<a xmlns:cc="" href=""
property="cc:attributionName" rel="cc:attributionURL">
  Ben Adida
is licensed under a
<a rel="license"
Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License</a>.

Note how this no longer includes the license details (just de-reference
the license URL for that), so we expect this to be much more robust than
the RDF in comments you analyzed.


Received on Tuesday, 27 January 2009 16:47:10 UTC