Re: Validator for HTML5+RDFa minus CURIEs

[Manu, sorry you got two copies of this. I initially sent it with my  
other e-mail address which the W3C listserv doesn't like.]

Manu Sporny wrote:

> You can test it out on the following example that Dan Brickley put
> together (and I modified, slightly):

For what its worth, Swignition has supported full URIs in RDFa  
attributes pretty much since I first implemented RDFa support: 

If, say, an "http" CURIE prefix is defined, then it will be used, but  
if the CURIE->URI code finds that the CURIE has not been defined,  
then it falls back to treating it as a URI. This is not specific to  
"http" - I just used that as an example - similarly if "skos" is used  
but hasn't been defined, then "skos:Concept" will be treated as it it  
were an absolute URI!

Manu also wrote, regarding <meta name="prefix">:

> This was discussed as a possibility at one point, I don't quite  
> remember
> what the argument was against it. Perhaps somebody else on the list  
> can
> remember?

I can't remember this exact syntax being suggested, but I suggested:

<link rel="schema.foaf" href="">

Which is what eRDF uses. One objection people had to it was that it  
didn't offer a method to scope a prefix declaration to just part of  
the page. This can be addressed by adding about="#foo" to the <link>  
and then id="foo" to the part of the page though.

Another more important objection, which I have conceded is a good  
argument against it, is that it forces all prefix declarations to be  
in the <head> of the document. This means that people can't easily  
offer all-in-one chunks of RDFa for people to use on their pages.  
e.g. Creative Commons gives a snippet of XHTML for people to paste  
into their pages - with xmlns prefix declarations (or with @prefix)  
they could include the declarations in the same snippet of code.

Toby A Inkster

Received on Tuesday, 20 January 2009 09:34:54 UTC